Little Miss Violet Mai

Friday, February 22, 2008

Sorry about that!

Hi Everyone.

I have been told that I have been slacking with my Violet blog and I'm sorry!! :) Chasing after a 21 month old, working and keeping up a house pretty much takes all the free time out of the day! But here I go.

Violet Mai is like I said 21 months! She's picking up more and more words for her vocabulary daily. She's able to identify people by there names which puts a smile on everyones face. Her newest name is Aimee.. I think she had the hardest time with Jordan so she just calls her "JoJo". Probably one of my favorites is when she picks up one of our cellphones or just heres one ring and she automatically says "hello" in the cutest voice I've ever heard. She also likes to add "my" in front of our names. Like My Dada, My Nana. Cute!

The last few months she took 2 classes at the community center. She took "messy arts" with momma and "twist tumble & twirl" with dada. We decided that we think she likes the open gym there the best but it was fun having her in some classes. She loves to paint and draw. She calls it "blue". And she scribbles away. I'm constantly washing walls, floors, toilets, doors whatever she thinks is her "canvas" Thank god for washable markers and crayons...

So I just had to take a break because Violet thought it was a good idea to poor her glass of milk down the heat vent. Fun stuff!!! And who says the terrible 2's start at 2? I beg to differ. :)

Violet is finally sleeping better! John and I went to Hawaii in January and Violet stayed home with her Nana. During that week Violet finally slept THROUGH THE NIGHT! She's still doing pretty good with it. With the exceptions of stomach flu, ear infections & teething she's sleeping great. We usually have 1 wake up around 1am and she just needs a little rub on her back.

She almost has all of her teeth. All except her 2 year molars. What a cute little mouth! :) Violet got her 1st and hopefully last set of stitches last month. We were at Grandma Pat's and Vi fell and hit her eye on the corner of a coffee table. OUCH! We took her to the emergency room (well I had to wait in the car) and she got 2 stitches. Poor little lady. As soon as we got home she was up and running/climbing instantly! What a tough little bird.

Alright well she's out of her highchair tormenting the kitties, time for me to sign off. Sorry for the delay in posts.


Sunday, September 02, 2007

End of Summer!

Well we've done it! 2 wonderful summers with our darling daughter! Boy was this years different than last!!! Here are a few things that we accomplished!
  • Crawling is so "baby like". Miss Violet ONLY walks now!
  • Not only does she walk, she rides her rocking horse and her radio flyer car all by herself!!
  • We went from 3 teeth to 10! Including 3 molars. (No sleep for mommy or baby!!)
  • John's dreams have come true. It seems that Violet's favorite band to dance to is.... THE RAMONES!
  • Violet and John have their very own reading group at the library!
  • Violet is older than someone in her family. Uncle Mike & Aunt Stacey had their beautiful daughter Addison. We can't wait to meet her. Violet loves cousins!!
  • John has shown Violet that you can live on Rice Crispie treats & cookies. Hehehehee! And yes, he will be paying the dentist bill. :)
  • John and Violet have spent a lot of their time on two wheels! John on the bike and Violet in the trailer behind!!
  • Violet has mastered many, many crazy new faces to pull!
  • Violet has started to build her own vocabulary: mama, dada, dad, mom, cat, jack, dog, that, this, baba, nana... and probably some more we just don't recognize yet.
I'm sure there has been more going on... but this is all I got for now. We're all looking forward to the fall. Sweaters, socks, cozy nights by the fire, showing Vi the leaves changing colors, lattes in the morning and yes.. even the rain sounds nice. Hope to see y'all around the holidays.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I really can't believe Violet Mai is 1 year old! And what an amazing year it has been. We had a birthday party for her that was a lot of fun. She had her first experience with chocolate cake and boy did she love it! She sat in her highchair just staring at her cupcake smiling. I don't think she knew what to do with it... but she quickly figured it out.

We think she'll be taking her first step without our help any day now. I think she could walk around the backyard holding my hands for hours. But my back won't let that happen! She had her first bloody fall a few days ago. She was standing up by the couch.. I turned around and boom! She was on the ground with a bloody mouth. It turns out that she bit her tongue pretty bad. I tell you what, I never want to see that much blood come out of her mouth ever again. It was awful. She's recovered fine but I do think she's a little bit nervous about standing up now.

She has reached her screeching phase. Please tell me it's a phase... :) If she wants something she screams, if she doesn't want something.. she screams! Now I wish we would've done sign language!

Daycare starts next week! She'll be going to see Anna 2 days a week. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. I think it's great that she'll get interaction with other adults and children... but at the same time I can't figure out how she'll nap and what if she starts crying and doesn't stop. Typical mom. But I guess that's something that Anna and Violet will figure out.

Well she's been napping for a little over an hour now, and I still have a few things to get done before she wakes. We love and miss you all tons.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

11 months old

Uncle Mike & VI
Baby Disco with Miles
Violet's New Motorcycle PJ'S
Vi & Sniffer
Hooray for Aunt Selena!
Baby Central

life has been incredibly busy around the thering household. we spent a month at the lang's while waiting for our old house to sell and to buy our new one! now that we're in our new house there is little time for "blogging"! violet definitely keeps us on our toes.

lets see... violet got 4 new teeth in the month of march. making it 6 total so far. she loves her "da da" and can't quit talking about him! he's on a motorcycle trip this weekend, and she's not very happy about it! she whines and says "da da". poor little lady. now if only she'd say ma ma. we'' she did.. once. and never again! ahahahaha

violet got to meet her new friend declan and play with lucia a whole bunch. we went to visit uncle mike and aunt stacey up in washington for a weekend! and yesterday we went to "baby disco".

i'm out of soy milk for my coffee! so i think the 2 of us are going to take a walk up to the store this morning. it'll be nice to get out of the house while it's not raining! love and miss you all!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

9 months old!!

9 months old and cute as pie!! Violet is on the MOVE!! She's crawling like a champ and standing every chance she gets! It's great! And exhausting at the same time. She has 2 bottom teeth and the top 2 are on their way. We went to her 9 month check up this week and she weighs 18 lb. 1 oz and is 29" tall. She had to have blood drawn :( John took her in and I waited in the waiting room... I thought I'd be safe there, but I could hear her screaming all the way out there! It was awful. My mother bear instincts kicked in and I wanted to tackle whoever was making her cry like that. But we all survived. PHEW!

Violet is at Grandma Pat's right now! She has been there all day while I have been home getting our house ready to sell! That's right! We're moving!! We bought a house that's 2x the size of our current one! YAY!! No more tripping on Violets toys! It's been really weird being home all day without Violet here. It's definitely a lot more fun when she's around.

We taught Violet how to wave. It's so cute... Everytime someone walks in the room she waves at them. hehehe.. Cutie Pie. Lets see.. Violet's favorite new foods are: tofu, boca burgers, banana chunks, cheerios, avocados & of course sweet potatoes. She has her dad's appetite. I swear she can out eat us any day.

Alright, I'm off to more cleaning! BOO!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

2007 is here! We celebrated last night with Amber, Nana Ellen, Lola & Nico by watching Superman Returns. The 3 of us returned home around 10 and put Miss Vi into bed. And do you think John and I stayed up until 12?? OF COURSE NOT! hehhehee We were asleep by 11. Lame I know, but when you have a 7 MONTH OLD you take all the sleep you can get!

Violet is absolutely amazing! She's such a cheery, happy little girl. Her 1st Christmas was fantastic. She had no clue what was going on, but boy did she love to tear the paper off the presents. (And try to eat it) We now figured out why the board book was created!!!
She's getting so big! It's almost time for us to go get a new car seat. She's bursting at the seams in the one shes in.

Lets see... Violet loves to sit up and play with her toys, we got a play pen and I think if it were up to her she'd be in it all day long. Yesterday she picked up two rattle balls and started hitting them together and giggling! That was super cute. I think she's just about ready to crawl. She's gotten the motion down.... just hasn't taken off yet. She LOVES the cats and the dogs. I think they alone are going to get her to crawl. That way she can pull their hair all she wants. Speaking of pulling hair, it's Violets favorite past time. Lucky us! OH MY GOSH I ALMOST FORGOT!!!.. She has a TOOTH! It arrived December 12th! The bottom right front tooth. :) The one next to it is trying to come through now. Woohoo! Gotta love teething. Why didn't any seasoned mothers warn us about the teething!?! Poor little lady, it's just awful.

We are all so excited for this New Year. So much to look forward too. We hope all of you out there are doing well. xoxoxoxo

Friday, November 24, 2006

6 Months Old!

So the little lady is 6 months old! Yesterday was Thanksgiving and we had a great time. We went up to Kalama for breakfast with Grandma Pat & Grandpa Mike! The food was delicious. Afterwards we went back down to Portland for Dinner at Aunt Ambers house! Grandpa Dane & Grandpa Kent are here from SLC! A lot of action for one day. Needless to say Violet had an incredibly restLESS night! Gassy & uncomfortable. Poor little lady and parents! :)

Here are Violet's stats at her last doctor appointment: 15lb. 14oz. & 26" long! Her hair is finally growing in! The other night she woke up and when John brought her out to the living room her hair was actually messed up! SO CUTE! She's rolling over like a champ back to front & front to back. She's also able it sit up for a short amount of time with no help. She's so much fun! Always wanting to play and she's so curious about everything. So curious infact that she thinks naps are optional! :)

We hope everyone had a great holiday. Bye bye from Violetland!